Living your best life – DRAW Newsletter ✏️

Hey Reader,

I hope you are having a good week 😊.

This week, I began work on the next Kawaii Cuties Workshop – a 3-day LIVE drawing experience – that will take place the week of April 14th 🥰.

I am preparing the most adorable Spring-inspired art for us to create over those 3 days! 🧸🥕🍦

I will share all the details in the next 2 weeks.

Yay, exciting!

And now, welcome to the latest issue of our DRAW Newsletter 🥰.

Inside, you will find:

  • D: drawing to inspire you
  • R: resource to create awesome art
  • A: affirmation of the week
  • W: wonder – a question to wonder about

Note: if you prefer not to receive the weekly "DRAW Newsletters" (no problem!) please click here to pause them.

March 9, 2025

D: Drawing

We just wrapped up a month of drawing cute dogs from photos at the Kawaii Drawing Club®.

And not just drawing them – but coming up with ways to bring our art to everyday objects!

Like a fluffy cozy blanket with pillows to match 🥰. Aweee!

If you would like to join us at the Kawaii Drawing Club® on the next round (doors open in April), please join the waitlist to receive an exclusive offer when we open!


Our KDC members enjoyed this project as well 😊 and made a number adorable prints and patterns.

Here is the work of Char of @prettypineapplestudios

Sooooo adorable! 😍

R: Resource

Do you use an iPad stand, when you draw?

I normally use the Benks stand, which is gorgeous and super versatile.

But it's also perfect for holding my iPad, while I record short instructional videos 😆. And I do NOT want to reposition it every time I switch between drawing and recording 😅.

So I am looking for another iPad stand.

Benks is awesome... it's just so expensive to ship to Australia!

I might get something simple for now, like this bamboo stand. I like that it has space on the sides for my hands to rest as I draw.

Do you have any experience with a stand like this?

Do you have any other recommendations? 😊

A: Affirmation

I will ALWAYS remember this.

I was in university – studying computer science.

We had a test the next day... with a teacher, who had a reputation for failing students.

I was in a study group with one of the smartest guys in the class.

I asked him, "Do you think we'll pass the test?"

His answer changed my world!

He said, "It's not about passing or failing. It's about getting an A or not".

That was the moment I learned to think BIG. To set big goals.

It's not about merely passing – it's about going for "the best"!!

So here is this week's affirmation:

I am here to live my best life.

W: Wonder

So, we are here to live our best life... but what does that look like?

That would make a good journaling prompt 😊. And a good general question to reflect on...

Each day, we have a new chance to define what our "best life" is.

So here is the question to wonder about:

I wonder... what will make today an EPIC success? 😄

I forget to start my day with this question... but I will remember now.

Have a beautiful week! ❤️

Warm regards,

PS: here are 3 more ways we can create together:

Let's connect!

PO Box 227, Katoomba, NSW 2780

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Tatyana Deniz - Kawaii Artist

Let's DRAW! ✏️ I teach aspiring artist how to draw cute kawaii art (mostly on Procreate), even for complete beginners. Subscribe to my "DRAW Newsletter" for weekly drawing prompts, resources, and inspiration.

Read more from Tatyana Deniz - Kawaii Artist
Kawaii puppy faces by Tatyana Deniz

Hey Reader, I hope you are having a beautiful week! Welcome to the latest issue of our DRAW Newsletter 🥰. Inside, you will find: D: drawing to inspire you R: resource to create awesome art A: affirmation of the week W: wonder – a question to wonder about Note: if you prefer not to receive the weekly "DRAW Newsletters" (no problem!) please click here to pause them. March 2, 2025 D: Drawing We are learning how to draw puppies of different breeds at the Kawaii Drawing Club®, using photo...

Kawaii dachshund dog by Tatyana Deniz

Hey Reader, Welcome to the latest issue of our DRAW Newsletter 🥰. Inside, you will find: D: drawing to inspire you R: resource to create awesome art A: affirmation of the week W: wonder – a question to wonder about Note: if you prefer not to receive the weekly "DRAW Newsletters" (no problem!) please click here to pause them. February 23, 2025 D: Drawing We continue to draw cute puppies from photos at the Kawaii Drawing Club®. This week I would like to share with you this cute dachshund pup we...

Kawaii Bichon Frise puppy by Tatyana Deniz

Hey Reader, I hope you are having a good week 😊. Welcome to the latest issue of our DRAW Newsletter! Inside, you will find: D: drawing to inspire you R: resource to create awesome art A: affirmation of the week W: wonder – a question to wonder about Note: if you prefer NOT to receive the weekly "DRAW Newsletters" (no problem!) please click here to pause them. February 16, 2025 D: Drawing This month, we are drawing cute puppies from photos at the Kawaii Drawing Club®. It's a super fun project...