Majestic Beauty – DRAW Newsletter ✏️

Hey Reader,

I hope you are having a good week. 😊 Welcome to our "DRAW Newsletter"!

Inside, you will find:

  • D: drawing to inspire you
  • R: resource to create awesome art
  • A: affirmation of the week
  • W: wonder – a question to wonder about

November 17, 2024

D: Drawing

This weekend, we are celebrating my son's Birthday with a trip to an old majestic hotel. Everywhere I look, I see beautiful floral patterns and elaborate decorations.

When I see an interesting visual element, I ask myself: "How can I bring this to my art?"

Here is one example, where I added floral elements to a kawaii-style Matryoshka doll. I especially like the touch of gold leaf (so easy to do in Procreate! 😉)

So this weekend, I took pictures and did lots of sketching 😊 – gathering ideas for future projects. I hope to share them with you soon!

R: Resource

I love creating art. And I love using it to bring beauty into everyday life with everyday objects. ❤️

Procreate & print-on-demand services make this easier than ever!


Well, I found this really comprehensive guide by Lisa Bardot that answers many questions. I hope it will help you as well!


A: Affirmation

I am experimenting with my wardrobe. So I ordered a few things online to play around with different looks (closest mall is 1 hour away 😆).

But... most of what I ordered did NOT work.

So annoying! 😂 All that time and energy invested!

But holding on to clothes, ideas, beliefs... that don't work is pointless. It's just weight. So I'll be passing on most of it. 😞

Here this week's affirmation:

It's ok to let go, even if I invested effort into it... Letting go makes space for new possibilities.

I guess I'll have to plan a trip to the mall after all. 😄

W: Wonder

Last week, I invited you (and myself) to examine things in life that we merely tolerate.

I came up with a rather interesting list. From "crappy breakfasts" to "clothes I am not excited to wear". 😆

But this week, I want to shine light in the opposite direction and notice the good things we have.

Here is a question to wonder about this week:

I wonder... what am I grateful for right now? Name 3 things.

We even made this a bedtime ritual with the children. As the lights go out, I ask them "What are 3 good things that happened today?"


Have a beautiful week. ❤️

With love,

PS: here are 3 more ways we can create together:

Let's connect!

PO Box 227, Katoomba, NSW 2780

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Tatyana Deniz - Kawaii Artist

Let's DRAW! ✏️ I teach aspiring artist how to draw cute kawaii art (mostly on Procreate), even for complete beginners. Subscribe to my "DRAW Newsletter" for weekly drawing prompts, resources, and inspiration.

Read more from Tatyana Deniz - Kawaii Artist
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